Working With Your Foot Doctor

Signs It's Time For You To Consider Ankle Replacement Surgery

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Ankle replacement surgery is a surgical procedure that is done by a skilled podiatrist. This type of surgery should not be taken lightly, but it might be necessary for you to be able to continue to do the things you love to do. If you are concerned about your ankle health following an accident, injury, or genetic condition you have, then you may want to think about getting ankle replacement surgery. Read More»

4 Foot Care Tips That Keep Your Feet Healthy And Prevent Pain And Injury

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Taking good care of your feet could mean the difference between feeling good after a long day of work and feeling miserable with foot pain. Tired and painful feet are common, but when your feet always hurt, it’s time to focus on foot care. Here are four important steps for taking the best care of your feet. 1. Wear Shoes That Fit Well One of the most important things you can do for your feet is to wear shoes that fit well. Read More»

Foot Pain In Children: Highlights About Growing Pains

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Your toddler complains of foot pain. How do you respond? Are you the type who is quick to dismiss it as what’s commonly referred to as “growing pains,” or do you check with a pediatric podiatrist? The truth is that whether or not the foot pain is due to growing pains, the diagnosis should be left to a qualified expert. Here is what you should know about growing pains. It’s Not About Growth Spurts Read More»

The Three-Pronged Approach To Foot Wounds For Diabetic Patients

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If you are someone with diabetes, then you already know how many deleterious effects this condition can have on your body. One of those effects is to raise your risk of foot wounds — in particular, foot wounds that are slow to heal and that become infected. A great way to approach foot wounds as a diabetic is to take a three-pronged stance. The three prongs are prevention, detection, and treatment. Read More»

Should You Be Considering A Surgical Bunionectomy?

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If you have a bunion, then you have the choice of sticking with conservative treatments or opting for a surgical bunionectomy procedure. The decision is a personal one, but there are some signs that you should be looking at your surgical options sooner than later. Keep reading to find out about a few of these signs. You Have Tried Conservative Treatments For Years Conservative treatments are a good option for mild bunion conditions that can easily be controlled. Read More»